Senior's Selling their Homes
It is a difficult decision if you are living alone and wonder sometimes if you should make a change. Where would you go? Who can help you? Maybe you should stay and just do a couple of upgrades to your home. The changes may just be a few things here and there. Living in a clean happy home is important.
Don't sign leases agreements for Furnaces or Air Conditioning programs, roof repair or driveway replacement. These are large expensive items, you need assistance to review those contracts. Let the Linda Pinizzotto real estate Group help you. We have been in business over 40 years and would like to help you live comfortably, worry free and above all safe.

I Care a Lot - Movie - Trailer (2021) - Oscar Possibility
An important movie, "I Care a Lot" premiere at the 2020 #TIFF #Toronto International Film Festival highlights how senior citizens can be exploited, forcibly controlled to be under the care of court-appointed guardians. How "Elder Abuse" is happening and unscrupulous persons gain control of their assets while they then get trapped in permanent home care. The Government protects seniors who are too vulnerable to care for themselves but this movie brings to light how badly Seniors can be maniuplated and controlled. Long Term Care Homes and how are Seniors treated? Sad and criminal or happy and pleasant?
This is a very sensitive and controversial subject. Our Seniors are more vulnerable today especially with Covid and because of real estate market value increases. We all need to be more aware and protect our Seniors from Elderly Abuse, mistreatment and/or fraud. Don't be a victim, there are several support systems click on: Ontario Information about Elder Abuse We can assist you. Please contact us - Ask for the Linda Pinizzotto Real Estate Group 905-271-7373 and leave a message.
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