Sell your Home and Live Cheaper

Prices have escalated, your present home is worth over a Million Dollars but with the high price of over $10,000 a year in taxes plus your utilities and maintenance and repairs, it is getting too expensive so what are your alternatives?  Modular homes and Container Style Carriage Homes are an excellent option.  Move out of the City could be calming, certainly affordable, especially if your work at home. So many options, may a Backyard Home?   Please click and listen to LInda's extensive interview on these styles of homes. Work with the best. 

Modular Homes for Home Ownership

Do you know about Modular homes and/or Container Style Carriage Homes?  What about bulding a Backyard Home.  Can you build another home in your backyard?  So now you have three choices and all them offer you the ability to build your bank account by selling your home and saving a ton of money if you decided to take 1 of the 3 options.   Now the questions, do you live within City Limits or do you get out of the City for a more calming and enjoyabe time especially if you work at home.  Fill out this form, let us know a little bit about you and please Make an appointment with the Linda Pinizzotto Real Estate Group.

What's Your Home Worth?

Hall of Fame Linda Pinizzotto offers 41 years of Experience Selling Real Estate with honesty, integrity and compassion


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