A real estate career was an enormous challenge before computers and the MLS system existed. “Offers had to be typed twice because the print wouldn’t get through 6 copies of carbon paper” says Linda who used to carry a typewriter in the trunk of  her car.   It was interesting times, in 1981 interest rates were at an all time high 19% - 21 3/4%.  We didn't have Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation CMHC, high ratio mortgages.  Every transaction we included a Vendor Take Backs (VTB) on mortgages.   The market had a shift in 1985 and the market started crashing in late 1989 – 1990.  Linda knew her sales would drop like a stone so personally met with Vice Presidents of the Major Financial Institutions (CIBC, TD, Scotia Bank, BMO, Laurentian Bank, Central Guaranty Trust, Home Savings & Loans) to pursuade them to list their Power of Sale properties with her.  Linda received the contracts and sold over 153 Power of Sale properties representing these major Financial Institutions POS properties. "I would pack a shovel in the trunk of my car to clear driveways, walkways in the winter months and mowed lawns with an electric lawn mower in the summer months until Property maintenance companies entered the scene.  

​​​​​​​“It’s all about the negotiations and making sure that my clients have the best results when they buy or sell”.   Clients need to capitalize on their single biggest investment and know they can trust their Realtor her implicitly to protect their interest.   We facilitates an efficient professional marketing plan geared for prompt successful results through an effective city and provide wide campaigns.  Detailed information, facts on properties and a range of Real Estate services are provided. Our Group represents residential and commercial markets.   


Realtor Linda Pinizzotto Real Estate Group

Branch with RE/MAX Realty Enterprises Inc
We welcome you to visit our boutique real estate office.

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Agent Bio

Hall of Fame Linda Pinizzotto offers 41 years of Experience Selling Real Estate with honesty, integrity and compassion


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