The Linda Pinizzotto Real Estate Group has a "Hello Realtor" referral system in  Canada, United States and Europe.  We welcome our referral Realtor to share space and introduction on our website.   If you are relocating it is very important to receive a referral Realtor.  You will then enjoy the benefits of 2 Realtors working together at no cost to yourself.  It develops a very unique "Trust" factor which is second to none in this Industry.  

It is an important factor to choose the right Agents, crossing Provinces can be very difficult considering different MLS systems, real estate documents and the local province real estate legislation.   Be safe, be protected and trust our exceptional Realtor Network.  We will be announcing our new REALTOR® Partners across the US and Europe soon. 

Our trusted, experienced and professional REALTOR® Partners are thrilled to provide you with specialized real estate services through our Canada-wide Realtor Network referral system.  We build relationships with honesty, trust and integrity.  Every Clients, Buyers and/or Sellers who requires real estate representation across Canada from East to West will receive top negotiation skills and expertise. 

We can assist you either here in Canada or through our World Wide Relocation Network of long term successful Realtor who can guide you through all of your real estate needs.  We look forward to hearing from you. 

Contact our Relocation Realtor Group

Hall of Fame Linda Pinizzotto offers 41 years of Experience Selling Real Estate with honesty, integrity and compassion


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