RE/MAX Royal Headquarters Congratulates Linda Pinizzotto, Realtor

Friday Apr 16th, 2021



Popular Real Estate Magazine known as REM featured Linda Pinizzotto, a well known Realtor and Owner of the LINDA PINIZZOTTO Real Estate GROUP, a Branch in Partnership with RE/MAX realty ENTERPRISES Inc. in Port Credit, South Mississauga, Ontario.   The title of the feature story states "I can negotiate anything, that's my forte," says Realtor Linda Pinizzotto.  "I'm a very determined person." 

That would explain Linda's real estate Group.  After purchasing and completely renovating her building in Port Credit, Linda aligned with a Top Brand in the Real Estate world - RE/MAX!   She is seeking motivated and enthusiastic Realtors to work together under her umbrella.  Linda says  "It will be very successful and exciting, I have a well known Brand, a wealth of contacts and extensive marketing along with the ability to host various new initiatives.  Working together will help grow the success of my entire Group!"    She prefers a Group over Team because it provides stronger growth with the Groups Realtors and partners in various business sectors who have aligned with her providing Corporate Account discounts and savings for the Group and Clients to enjoy.  

Susan Doran, who interviewed Linda for this article states "I can't dispute this, especially after I initially doggedly attempted to convince both myself and Pinizzotto that my interview with her for this article needed to last no longer than an hour, ony to find myself still on the phone with her over two hours later".    The article caught the eye of RE/MAX Royal Headquarters  Chief Customer Officer Nick Bailey in Denver, Colarado who stated  "very proud to see such great success and you represent RE/MAX very well"  in a personal congratulatory statement on YouTube   

Linda has taken a very unique approach to real estate over her 40 years of success in the Industry which has allowed her career to catapult in various capacities.  She is a Realtor, but also an Investor, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker and Radio Show Host of her Series "Linda Pinizzotto Real Estate Magic" has completed airing and is now on popular streaming podcasts such as: Spotify   iHeartRadio, AmazoniTunes and a dozen others reaching over 152,000 downloads and rising along with her Radio website     She is the Founder and President of Ontario's non profit Condo Owners Association  A widespread community service, resulting in various awards; most notably Linda was Knighted as a Dame of the Order of St. George"   




Realtors, looking for a change? Contact Linda LINDA PINIZZOTTO REAL ESTATE GROUP or if you prefer a nice chat - just give her a call 416-561-7373












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